Susan Brown
54, Richmond Town
New York
Date: May 20, 2022
Mr. Robin Reynolds
New Age Printing Services
New York
Dear Mr. Robin,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I need to make certain changes to my wedding card. I had placed with you on April 30th, 2022 an order of 150 wedding cards to be printed. The invoice number of the same was 6565 dated May 1st, 2022 with a total amount of $300 and I had also made an advance payment of $200 with receipt number 89 dated May 1st, 2022.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we have to change the wedding date from June 15th, 2022 to June 25th, 2022. And along with the date change, the venue of the wedding has to be changed from Central Hall, California to St. Anthony’s Church, California.
I am writing this letter to request you to please accommodate these two changes in the wedding cards. The rest of the details and the content in the card remain the same.
I understand that I am making these changes after placing the order and according to your Company’s Policy, you do not entertain such changes. I would be very thankful if you could understand my situation and please make these changes.
I apologize for the convenience caused to you and your team. I will be willing to pay the extra charges for getting these changes made.
Thanking you.
Susan Brown